Our Christmas celebrations began with the Lindgren Christmas on the 22nd. We celebrated at Grandpa & Grandma Barb's with the whole clan, including Great-Grandma Rose which was a special treat! It was a good time for all of us. Here are all of the Lindgren cousins (for the moment): Micah, Anna, Alayna, Grace, Ella & Bryce. Note to self for next year - take pictures that include children at the beginning of the day instead of at the end and 2 hours past their bedtime! ;)
Christmas morning at our home - bubbling over with excitement!

"Look! Santa came! Look at our stockings!"
They couldn't wait to see what Santa had put in their stockings.
We had all of Christmas morning to celebrate our own family Christmas. After the kids opened their stockings and ate breakfast, we read the Christmas story and sang Happy Birthday to Jesus - and that was so much fun that we did it again! :) It's fun to see the kids get more involved and excited about everything as they get older. Then we opened our family gifts and enjoyed our time together. Here's Grace trying out a new book for her Leap Pad...
Later on in the day our Christmas company arrived. Grandpa, Grandma, Josh, Caleb, Kate, Jessica, Joe & David all came to our home to celebrate Christmas here with us. What a time we all had! The kids could hardly stand all the excitement that happened that day. We enjoyed Christmas dinner, read the Christmas story and opened our last box in the What God Wants for Christmas series before we started in on the gift opening. It was so much fun it was sad to see the day come to an end - can't wait for next year! We are so blessed and have so much to celebrate. I don't think that we ever fully realize what an amazing miracle Christmas is. The God of the universe came to Earth as a humble helpless baby to live among us and ultimately to die for us - all so that we would have to opportunity to know Him and have eternal life - there's no greater gift...

Micah looking at the Nativity created with the What God Wants for Christmas set.
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