Last night (Dec. 17th) was the Sunday School Christmas Program at our church. When we got to church I dropped Grace off at her class and Ryan dropped Micah off at, what we thought was, the nursery (they had child care last year). So, we are all settled in to watch the program which starts out with the 2 year old class, and they're all so cute... and then Ryan says "Oh! Micah's up there!" He's not actually in the 2 year old SS yet since he wasn't 2 at the beginning of the school year. Turns out, there wasn't any child care, and the teacher's weren't quite sure what to do with him, but he lined up with the other kids and walked up on the stage so they figured they'd leave him be! Here he is just sitting on the front step (by the boy in the red vest). Who's kid is that?! Oh sure, we're good parents!

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