Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Fun in the snow

We finally got enough snow to play in and then it was so cold all of last week that the kids really couldn't be out there - they were so disappointed! On Sunday we had a little heat-wave (of 20 degrees) so we bundled everyone up and went out to have some snow fun. This was actually Anna's first time being out in the snow too. She was curious and she loved riding around the back yard in the
Daddy-powered sled with Micah!
The pink marshmallow!

I'm a Doll!

Anna loves her new doll bed that the kids gave her for her birthday. She doesn't quite understand that it's supposed to be for baby dolls yet though - but she thinks it's a perfect princess perch for her

Daddy's Little Helper

Micah "helping" Daddy! He loves his little tools, especially his drill with its cool light and sound effects.Mr. Fix-it

Monday, February 12, 2007

Anna's 1st Birthday

On January 31st Anna turned a year old. I can't believe how fast it's gone! She is such a joy, growing and learning by leaps and bounds, she is mostly walking now with an occasional relapse to crawling. ;) Here she is... big girl on her birthday! She wasn't quite sure what to think about her birthday cake at first, but then she decided it tasted pretty good!

What is this stuff? It's kind of sticky...

but it tastes pretty good...

Mmm! I could get used to this!

We celebrated her birthday on January 28th. We had a lot of fun and were blessed to have so many of the special people in Anna's (and ours too!) life there to celebrate her. In typical one-year-old fashion, she enjoyed the paper and packaging more than what actually came inside all of her fun gifts.

Look at this nice card for me! How cute & fun!

I wonder if it tastes as good as it looks?

Here's Anna & Daddy with Grandpa Steve, Grandma Barb, Uncle Jason and Ella.

Baby in the buff!

Anna enjoying her freedom after her bath!
Such fun and see what a cute little baby bum I have?!