June 12-17 we were able to spend some time at a cabin up north with Ryan's parents, Grandma Rose, and Lysa, Jeremy and baby Alayna. It was a lot of fun and the kids especially had a great time! It's so neat for them to be able to spend time with extended family which includes Great-Grandma Rose. It was a much needed respite from the busyness of our everyday lives.
Micah canoeing with Ryan. He was so cute, pretty much the whole time he was out there he was singing "Row, row, row your boat..." (Micah was singing, not Ryan!)
My hero.
The kids had a lot of fun fishing with Daddy and Grandpa Steve. They caught a good number of fish during the week, enough to have a fish fry one night, although, Grace insisted that they threw any of "the cute ones" back into the water!